This is an absolute must-read from lawyer John Bies, explaining just how radical Trump's maximum resistance to oversight really when put in historical and legal context:https://t.co/MOwzmFid9S
As he shows, all of this basically points towards this inevitable conclusion: https://t.co/H3y1yMq1tn
— Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) April 28, 2019
2. The trouble is though the Democratic leadership seems to believe it. With all the talk of winning the WH in 2020 it won't be worth much by then if Trump burns it down in the meantime. Would you buy a house already burned to the ground?
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 28, 2019
It's what an abusive husband does to his wife-tries to convince her and everyone they know that she's crazy. This is what Trump and the GOP co-conspirators are trying to do to the country. With full complicity of the MSM and not enough resistance by the Dem leaders themselves
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 28, 2019
And the Republicans in Congress silently endorse and thereby encourage an unhinged, devise, mean-spirited hate monger. Impeachment hearings should have begun weeks ago. Enough with the weakness and the hand-wringing and timidity. Time to act! https://t.co/WLi8LeP7Mb
— Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) April 28, 2019
"Presidents are supposed to accept the principle that Congress can act as a meaningful check on their power. Trump does not."https://t.co/R70Dh1AxcH
— Need To Impeach 🍑 (@Need2Impeach) April 27, 2019
As it should be. https://t.co/67OAYatBAi
— MJ (@princessmom122) April 27, 2019
Elizabeth Warren rolls out plan to reward hospitals that make childbirth safer for Black Women. Literally financial incentives for them to do right and penalties if they do wrong. I’ll be damned. https://t.co/5ldmYE4PpE
— April (@ReignOfApril) April 25, 2019
Elizabeth Warren is the candidate Bernie thinks he is but really really isn’t.
— Imani Gandy (Orca’s Version) ⚓️ (@AngryBlackLady) April 25, 2019
process is essential, regardless of what the Senate would do. People need to understand what the boundaries are (to put it colloquially) and they need to really know what has happened, is happening, here. It's not about punishing the president; it's about protecting the country
— Elizabeth de la Vega (@Delavegalaw) April 23, 2019
As the work proceeds, if the Executive Branch encourages people not to cooperate or respond to congressional subpoenas, Congress's legal position is solid. There is no reason to delay a House Res. to begin a solemn, dignified and focused Judiciary Committee process at this point.
— Elizabeth de la Vega (@Delavegalaw) April 23, 2019
Making this even more absurd, they're treating the 2018 elections, in which Democrats won a sizable national popular majority and netted 40 House seats, as a problematic sign that the Democratic Party doesn't represent the whole country.
— Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) April 25, 2019
Rep @tedlieu, on Trump's stonewalling towards any and all Congressional oversight:
“If Trump is allowed to get away with ignoring Congress, then, in effect, we no longer have a representative system of government. We have more like a monarchy."https://t.co/1tI7yOnImp
Again: https://t.co/BM9SRU2Eq8
— Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) April 25, 2019
J.W. Verret was a Trump transition staffer and puts the Dems to shame. He's for impeachment and says 'Enough talk about politics we should be talking about Federalist Paper 65' https://t.co/amcPYkCWLo
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 25, 2019
This IS a good analogy by Ryan Cooper I have to admit
At that point, you have opened an Impeachment Case. You are not rushing into charges, far from it. You are investigating. The Judiciary Committee beefs up its staff of attorneys, paralegals and investigators, just as Judiciary Counsels John Doar and Albert Jenner did after the 2/
— Elizabeth de la Vega (@Delavegalaw) April 23, 2019
A growing number of Republicans are becoming independents or Democrats as @realDonaldTrump destroys his Party as well as his Country.
It is Republicans who should be calling for his impeachment.https://t.co/tCJBrIT4eO— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) April 24, 2019
This is a very dangerous man.
His removal from office is imperative.
Democrats and Republicans who indulge in political calculation instead of doing the right thing share the blame. https://t.co/7La8wewnCq— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) April 24, 2019
FINES OR JAIL#Democrats Consider Fines for Trump Officials Who Spurn Subpoenas
– Judiciary Chairman #Nadler suggests jail for ignoring demands
– Lawyers say House has power to fine or jail for noncompliance#MOG#MAGA https://t.co/EBSXQL96ap
— Michael O'Grady (@mog7546) April 24, 2019
There had BETTER be consequences
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
They keep opposing winning in 2020 to not holding Trump accountable so let's change their incentives!
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
EXACTLY I donated to Warren, to Kamala and that 28 year old woman running against Steny Hoyer @RepSwalwell @brianschatz
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
Talk about great minds think a like Amy! I mean I think you have a great mind and am honored we were thinking the same thing. A DCCC guy called me this weekend and I told him-I'll donate when the Dems quit opposing impeachment
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
The scorecard: @SpeakerPelosi and House Democrats know how to walk and chew gum when it comes to passing legislation. The same cannot be said for @senatemajldr and Senate Republicans. pic.twitter.com/AyQYG4Ftv1
— Geoff Garin (@geoffgarin) April 24, 2019
This is a good thread, from the law professor I quoted earlier, explaining why it actually might give Dems more oversight leverage if they were to initiate an impeachment inquiry, though there might be other unintended consequences: https://t.co/CvRdDggNQY
— Greg Sargent (@GregTSargent) April 24, 2019
Rational, reasoned, intelligible.Unlike the hysterical emos currently flushing USA down the swamp as they grift & betray America.
— Dash Bandy (@dash_bandy) April 24, 2019
Michael Steele on Andrea Mitchell says it: Democrats need to rediscover the fierce urgency of now if they are going to 'find all the evidence' #ImpeachDonaldTrump
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
The third Article of Impeachment against Richard Nixon charged him with failing "without lawful cause or excuse to produce papers and things as directed by duly authorized subpoenas issued by the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives."
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) April 24, 2019
The threat from right-wing extremists like the #MAGA Bomber grows while @RealDonaldTrump looks the other way.https://t.co/BDUIk24pq5
— Carl J. Petersen (@ChangeTheLAUSD) April 24, 2019
Put this in MSM chapter
NOT a 'power struggle with House Democrats' were both sides are being mean but rather a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS #ImpeachDonaldTrump https://t.co/3TdAkNSycM
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
There's only 1 solution #ImpeachDonaldTrump
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
"It’s a lesson some thought Trump would have learned during the Mueller investigation." I think the reality is this: Trump feels emboldened. That even if what he's doing is obstruction & against the law it doesn't matter as no one will ever stop him. WILL the Democrats stop him?
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019
So Trump has been a one-man crime spree for two years, but the GOP *loves* his chances for re-election. Meanwhile, *Democrats* are convinced that if they hold Trump accountable, they'll be *devastated* at the polls. Does that make sense, or is it silly, cowardice-driven paranoia?
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) April 23, 2019
Hillary knows what's needed do the House Dem leaders? #ImpeachDonaldTrump https://t.co/m7o6lyswW7
— Expand the Court (@ProChoiceMike) April 24, 2019