

Holy Convergence Batman! In the huge, sprawling Trump-Russia investigation, time and again we see things that appeared to be wholly separate  turn out to have a connection. We saw convergence with Stormy Daniels: while this was initially written off by the media as being about consensual sex-‘that’s priced in with voters’-note how differently the media treated Bill Clinton’s consensual affair with Monica Lewinsky in the late 1990s-a story that would have a shelf life of about a day for Trump, it ended up achieving convergence with Russia as the scandal turned into a federal investigation into Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen run by the Southern District of NY-at Mueller’s referral.

I’ve always believed there was convergence between Russia and the email probe into Clinton and this was confirmed when Comey  l revealed that he did that indefensible press conference in July 2016-that ‘extremely careless’-presser based on a fake Russian document. In Obama’s DNI Director James Clapper’s recently published book we’ve learned that the Russians did everything they could to weaponize the email probe via their propaganda network RT.

Regarding Wikileaks, Assange and his defenders have tried to convince us that it’s just an apolitical transparency organization which is pretty hard to believe with all the evidence that Assange did take sides in 2016-we know via leaked DM messages he had wanted to defeat Hillary Clinton since at least 2015. Indeed, it goes further back than that: in 2013 he’d stated ‘the only hope for electoral politics is the libertarian section of the Republican party.’

Now we are seeing clear convergence between Wikileaks and: Cambridge Analytica. A Cambridge Analytica Director met Assange at his compound in Britain last year and also states she made payments and donations to Wikileaks. 

Cambridge Analytica director apparently visited Julian Assange in February last year and told friends it was to discuss what happened during the US election, the Guardian has learned.

“Brittany Kaiser, a director at the firm until earlier this year, also claimed to have channelled cryptocurrency payments and donations to WikiLeaks. This information has been passed to congressional and parliamentary inquiries in the UK and US.”

“We first got wind of convergence between CA and Wikileaks last year with news that the notorious company’s CEO. Alexander Nix reached out to Assange on Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails.”

“There was no known connection until October last year, when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had “reached out” to Assange in July 2016 and offered to help him index and distribute the 33,000 emails that had been stolen from Hillary Clinton.”


Assange issued a statement saying that he had turned down the Cambridge Analytica offer. Alexander Nix, the company’s chief executive, told Westminster MPs the same in February, during an appearance at the Commons digital, culture, media and sport (DCMS) select committee. Nix said he found a contact for WikiLeaks’ speaking agency on the internet and sent Assange an email.

But that denial is less plausible now that we know about the meeting with the CA director and the alleged payments to Assange. What are the reasons for these payments? Now that it’s clear there is a connection between Wikileaks and CA what does it mean?

But visitor logs from the Ecuador embassy obtained by the Guardian and Focus Ecuador appear to show that Brittany Kaiser, a senior executive at Cambridge Analytica until earlier this year, visited Assange on 17 February 2017. Information passed to the DCMS committee in the UK and the Senate judiciary committee in the US states that the meeting was “a retrospective to discuss the US election”.

The question begs-why would Assange and CA of all people need to retrospectively discuss the US election?

UPDATE: Wether or not it’s true that Assange turned down Nix we know for a fact that Assange himself reached out to Don Jr to coordinate the release of the Podesta emails.

This episode is yet another one featuring CA and the various emails the Trump campaign and Russia attempted to weaponize. We have the attempts by the Mercers to reach out to CA about finding Cinton’s infamous deleted emails and Steve Bannon was actually officially Nix’s boss back in 2015 and the very arresting fact that CA somehow got its hands on the Podesta emails a week before they were released-for much more see chapter A.