

But but but I thought Wikileaks was a nonpolitical transparency organization. Yet somehow Clinton’s emails got into the now defunct Cambridge Analytica’s hands a month before Assange released them. 

“Then there’s Cambridge Analytica. The (now shuttered) British company did the Trump campaign’s data. Its speciality was ‘microtargeting’: individual messages tailored to individual voters, delivered by email, Facebook and Twitter. The US intelligence agencies believe that Russian internet ‘troll factories’ were also pushing out pro-Trump propaganda on social media: sometimes fake news, sometimes real news, such as the hacked contents of Clinton’s emails. The question is whether this was done in coordination with the Trump campaign.”

Trump’s chosen 2020 campaign manager-Brad Parscsale-actually had Cambridge Analytica do some work for the Trump campaign-though he claims what they did wasn’t useful. But he was referring to their infamous ‘psychographics.’ It’s pretty clear that if they had Clinton’s emails a month before Wikileaks released them this was very useful.

“An American lawyer I know told me that he was approached by a Cambridge Analytica employee after the election. They had had the Clinton campaign emails more than a month before they were published by WikiLeaks: ‘What should I do?’ Take this to Mueller, the lawyer replied.”

“There is another (alleged) British connection: the US media reports that former Ukip leader Nigel Farage is a ‘person of interest’ to the Mueller team because he is both friendly with Trump and visited the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. Farage has vehemently denied he was helping Assange communicate with Trump’s people and has insisted he has ‘no connections to Russia’.”

Yes remember that time Farage was walking out of Assange’s place at the Ecuadorian embassy and claimed not to remember?

This article by Paul Wood is worth reading in full-Wood, was also the first to report about the Steele dossier’s assertion Russia has Kompromat on so-called ‘President’ Trump. It seems the British know a lot more about Russia’s interference-and the Trump campaign’s possible collusion than they’re saying.

“So how might Britain be sucking up to Trump? A Labour MP, Ben Bradshaw, thinks that the government has not always done all it can to assist the Mueller inquiry into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia. Bradshaw was the minister in charge of the Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6, and has doggedly pursued allegations about Russian meddling in other people’s elections. ‘I’m told that Mueller’s team were over here late last year and they weren’t happy with the level of cooperation they were getting,’ he said. Another source, with links to the ‘intelligence community’, said this was continuing, even after the Skripal poisoning.”

“These claims — of a decision to go slow with Mueller, driven by expediency — have not been confirmed, but if true, the government may have miscalculated. Britain is trying to get a free-trade deal with the US as we leave the EU. And Theresa May was the first world leader through the door of the Oval Office to see the new president. But whatever promises she wrung from Trump will depend on a follow–through and focus he has not shown. This is a president who could not get his own healthcare bill past a Republican Congress.”

UPDATE: It may well be the case that Theresa May and her Conservatives feel some affinity with Fuhrer ‘President’ Trump. With all our travails with our fake, criminal ‘President’ it’d be nice to think that other countries are getting it right but the British with their Brexit fiasco don’t seem to be doing much better-if May was sucking up to Trump it may not get even worse with her replacement in the Brexit loving fanatic, Boris Johnson-who promises a ‘hard Brexit’ darn the consequences and who has many other things in common with Trump-like that he’s the clear choice of a minority of the public-just like the US, in the UK minority rule is the rule not the exception.


As for CA somehow possessing these emails a month before their release it’s amazing this hasn’t been a bigger news story. Previously we had known that the Mercers had asked Cambridge Anaytica to organize the emails

and that a CA executive had met with Julian Assange. 

“The first threads of a relationship between Robert Mercer-backed data-analytics firm Cambridge Analytica and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange emerged in October, when reports surfaced that Alexander Nix, Cambridge Analytica’s former C.E.O., had reached out to Assange in 2016, allegedly to offer to help him distribute the 33,000 e-mails stolen from Hillary Clinton’s infamous server.”

At the time Nix downplayed it while Assange acknowledged it but said he turned Nix down.

“At the time, Assange confirmed the outreach but said it was rejected by WikiLeaks. In an appearance before U.K. lawmakers in February, Nix played the whole thing down, saying he’d simply found contact information for WikiLeaks online and sent Assange a cold e-mail. ”

However, we then learned there was considerably more to it than that. 

“Per *The Guardian, Brittany Kaiser, Cambridge Analytica’s former business development director, visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London last year, and “told friends” the purpose of the trip was to discuss the outcome of the U.S. election. Embassy visitor logs confirm Kaiser’s visit on February 17 of last year, and information given to the Senate Judiciary Committee and the U.K.’s Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (D.C.M.S.) Committee reportedly says the meeting was “a retrospective to discuss the U.S. election.” According to The Guardian, Kaiser has also said she sent money to WikiLeaks, which she allegedly called her “favorite charity,” in the form of cryptocurrency—reports provided to investigators say the money was given to her by third parties in the form of “gifts and payments.”

This is the typical pattern. Denials then when the facts emerge, initially attempt to minimize but over time it just looks worse and worse. With Trump-Russia things are always even worse than you think. If in fact Assange turned Nix down how did Nix end up with the emails a week before they were publicly released?

So the Mercers asked CA to organize the emails. CA’s Nix reached out to Assange. Nix said Assange rejected the offer but that it took 10 days. 


More recently we learned that the Trump WH was going to give Assange immunity in exchange for not releasing the trove of stolen CIA emails and somehow proving that Russia wasn’t behind the hacked emails.


But now we know that CA did in fact receive the emails 1 month before their relief. But but but Trump and Devin Nunes say no collusion! Of course Nunes and his fellow GOPers method for ‘proving’ no collusion was asking Donald Jr and friends if they colluded. When they denied it the GOP declared: ‘You see that Democrats? There was no collusion.’

UPDATE: So the question begs what  services was Wikileaks paying CA for? To the extent that you want to credulously believe their cover story-it was for charity, charity I tell you-CA is a rather curious choice for the alleged ‘nonpartisan transparency organization’-hard to say that with a straight face-it’s now had to disband due to its legal troubles and terrible publicity and even Brad Parscale admits to using them but claims the services they provided were pretty much useless. In light of all this what made Wikileaks feel the need to ‘donate?’

Store this curious payment or ‘donation’ right up there with George Nader’s $2 million dollar payment to Joel Zamel for allegedly not using his social media services to help Trump ‘win.’