


#BernieSoBlack it trending today-here was my attempt.



During his interview Chris Hayes rightly asked Bernie about what he intends to do about the Hillary base who has never forgiven him for the way he continued to throw all that dirt about the speeches, etc after it was clear the race was over.

I for one will never forget that there were Bernie Bros chanting ‘Lock her up!’ on the streets outside the 2016 Democratic convention in Philly.

The answer to Hayes’ question seems to be: sort of like what war is good for-absolutely nothing. 

Yes you do, Bern-she won a lot more votes and has a much bigger base than you’ve ever had.

Based on a recent NYT piece we know that almost all of the 2020 prospective candidates have sought Hillary’s advice and counsel except Bernie and Gillibrand. Gillibrand wants to but knows she’s not allowed after her ‘heroic’ demand that Bill Clinton retroactively resign 20 years later-meanwhile a Trump campaign aide from 2016 is accusing Trump of forcibly kissing her during the campaign and Gillibrand-and Ruth Marcus-has been deafening in her silence.

Running against Hillary Clinton may not be the brilliant move Bernie seems to think it is. My guess is there are a lot in what Mr. Weeks has called the Hillary ecosphere who will vote like him if Bernie were to win the nomination-which I personally doubt.


FN: I doubt it because as Bernie’s own people acknowledge while he clearly has a wing of the party put aside the irony of him aspiring to be the titular head of a party he still refuses to join-it’s not the biggest wing

In any case if Bernie’s not interested in anything Hillary has to say, Mr. Weeks’ ‘Hillary Ecosphere’ isn’t interested in anything Bernie has to say-other than to laugh at it.

His trip to Selma yesterday brought a good deal of mirth-as always happens when he tries to do racial outreach. Somehow he always messes it up-In 2018 me and my buddy Kev-along with my campaign manager, Chris North, attended Sharpton’s National Action Network event where a bunch of the 2020 hopefuls were coming to speak-Bernie along with Kamala, Booker, Warren, Gillibrand-that was mostly it.

Bernie spoke for 2 minutes and then said he had to go to another engagement-all the other prospective candidates spoke much longer and stayed for much of the event.

But yesterday in Thelma led to another trending of #BernieSoBlack-this also trended back in 2016.

#BernieSoBlack was so much fun they had to bring it back.

She’s referencing to this piece about ‘former Clinton staffers being snippy about Bernie.’

I’m not a ‘former Clinton staffer’ but a current Clinton supporter-#StillWithHer #AlwaysWithHer and I’m not too excited about Bernie either-though, then again neither was his own hometown newspaper which literally begged him not to run again. 

But if nothing else #BernieSoBlack is just so(much)fun. 


I had to get in on the fun:

This attempt by me got the most RTs and Likes.

But seriously folks…

The truth in all this mirth is that Bernie does set himself up as the Great White Socialist who has been a True Progressive all along and we’re all finally catching up to his TrueProgressiveness. He doesn’t have to ever be ‘woke’ as he was woke all along-according to him.

That’s his main topic of conversation at these rallies now-wow everyone in the Democratic party that I still refuse to join but want to lead is now catching up to me who was right all along. 

His campaign rallies are little more than an extended sessions of Bernie patting himself on his own back. Look I’m happy to admit that you can legitimately give him credit for moving the Overton Window to the Left-in a positive way.

Still Bernie Sanderism hasn’t quite entirely taken over the Democratic Mind. The fact is that things like Single Payer Now or 100% Free College Now-the now is the key for Berners, nothing takes any blood, sweat, and tears, no tough negotiations, no coalition building-it’s just like the lawyers say ‘asked and answered.’

Bernie says let there be a total end to fossil fuels, Single Payer Now! and Free College and it’s simply done-it’s happened because Bernie demanded it.

It was very revealing when Chris Hayes asked Bernie about prioritization-ok he wants single payer, free college, a $15 MW, and a 100% end to fossil fuels NOW. But what does he do first? Bernie-who’s been in the House and Senate for almost 40 years-simply refused to even acknowledge there’s any need to prioritize-Maybe that was true in the past, Chris, but if I become President it won’t be true anymore. 

Forget the First Hundred Days-Bernie will do it all the First Day and then go back to Vermont for the next four years-as it will all have been done his first day.

But again, while he overstates it he has unquestionably moved the Overton Window to the Left and that’s a good thing though I still suspect things like Single Payer are more aspirational than reality-but Bernie doesn’t deal in the reality, the prose, of implementation-that’s Hillary’s thing. She was felt to be a party pooper in 2009 with her prose about Obama’s poetry-celestial choirs singing and we’ll just do the right thing. 

In tine even Obana would come to see that she had a point

To be sure, if Hillary did make a crucial mistake in 2016 it was by her own admission in her best selling book not to have read the mood of the electorate-she had considered running on a Universal Basic Income (UBI). That’s amazing as when I ran for NY2 in the 2018 Dem primary I ran on a UBI along with a Job Guarantee (JG) and a an expanded and increased Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

I was so jazzed to realize she also supported UBI-and her buddies-Podesta, Neera Tanden, et, al- over at the Center for American Progress now support a JG with a $15 wage. 

But if Bernie moved the party to the Left-though there is still differences on how far to the Left-I still suspect that single payer for the Democrats is what repealing Obamacare was for the GOP in 2016-something candidates feel pressure to support but not that great a signifier as to what a unified Democratic government in 2021 would actually do. I still think the simple Medicare 55 bill supported recently by Sherrod Brown is more likely where the Dems are in 2021 than literally taking away everyone’s insurance.

While the Single Payer purists may howl this just shows how little they can see the forest for the trees-after all, the reason the Right opposes the public option is it assumes that the PO is just the slippery slope to SP-and it certainly could be-though Hillary may well be right that Universal Healthcare for Americans is closer to France and Germany than Canada and Sweden.

But doing the PO today certainly doesn’t prevent you from going SP tomorrow-to the contrary, it gets you a good deal of the way there implementation wise. While the Bernie Bros see incrementalism as a dirty word the fact is that’s always how economic and social progress is achieved-Social Security only covered 5% of Americans at the beginning and it took 20 years to become what it is today.

This is why my preferred policy to achieve the worthy Democratic goal of Universal Healthcare is not so much Medicare for All as Medicare for All(Who want it).

But if Bernie has impacted the Overton Window regarding the ideological position of the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton has her own great legacy. All those record breaking winning female candidates in 2018, the five female candidates running for POTUS in the party today is her legacy and her vindication. She was the freak in 2008 and 2016-the one brave, ridiculed girl on the stage with all those boys in 2008 and 2016 but now having female candidates just four years later is treated like no big thing. Yet it’s her-still unrecognized-legacy. She pioneered and cleared the brush, to make it a natural seeming thing for this year’s rather female dominated Dem primary.

As for all these differences with Hillary-the main one here is she knows how to discuss racial issues properly.


Charles Blow calls for Bernie to stop Bernie-splaining to Black voters.


But at the end of the day, Bernie, we’re just not that into you:


The there was the time Bernie praised Communist bread lines in the USSR. 


Guess we know the theme song of Bernie’s campaign-Back in the USSR





Warren does it again

Did Michael Cohen go to Prague? John Schindler’s theory

Augment to ‘So did Cohen go to Prague?’ chapters.

This may belong in another chapter:

For more on the eytmology of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation itself  another piece by Schindler.

The official went on: “We had several reports in late 2015 and early 2016, mostly from Second and Third Party”—that being spy-speak for NSA’s foreign friends—“but by the spring of 2016 we had plenty of our own collection.” These reports, based on multiple intercepts, were tightly compartmented, that is, restricted to a small group of counterintelligence officials, given their obvious sensitivity, but they painted an indelible picture of a compromised GOP nominee. “The Kremlin talked about Trump like he was their boy, and their comments weren’t always flattering.” The NSA official stated that those above-top-secret reports left no doubt that the Russians were subverting our democracy in 2016—and that Team Trump was a witting participant in the Kremlin’s criminal conspiracy: “Trump and his kids knew what they were doing, and who they were doing it with,” the official explained.


If the NSA was that certain it only makes the outrage this information was withheld from the American people prior to the election all the more that much more outrageous.

It’s just stunning if they knew all this that Comey did that letter on October 28.

Schindler: Mueller has secret intelligence that will sink Trump ‘Presidency’ 

That the political operative-turned-convicted felon who helped Donald Trump win the White House in 2016 is some sort of clandestine fixer for Moscow now seems certain. And he may be even worse than that. The possibility that Paul Manafort wound up at the heart of the Trump campaign not despite his deep Kremlin connections, rather because of them, is a matter that needs explanation urgently, and may hold the key to the entire mystery about the president’s secret relationship with Russia.

This premise if nothing else certainly contains a lot of explanatory power-it certainly explains the steepness of Manafort’s sentence-19-25 years.





Talk about a dream walking


Dream walking-Dems confirm at some point they will open impeachment inquiry











Asked and answered Greg Sargent



And if the Senate still doesn’t convict? Then run against the GOP Senate’s failure to convict-look what happened to Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon.








Add this to Hillary chapter


The case for President Elizabeth Warren



Cohen’s intel testimony a gamechanger?




Speaking of non-stop investigations:



Dream walking:



October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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