Clinton is done. Big news Wednesay.  Now forget you know me. 

So Randy Credico-who Stone claims was his back channel to Wikileaks during the 2016 campaign texted Stone on October 1, 2016.

“Big news Wednesday,” the Stone pal, radio host Randy Credico, wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, according to the text messages provided by Stone. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”

“U died 5 years ago,” Stone replied.

“Great,” Credico wrote back. “Hillary’s campaign will die this week.”

UPDATE: It’s clear post both Jerome Corsi’s draft indictment-the House needs to ask Mueller why Corsi was never indicted-and Stone’s indcitment memo that  Corsi was Stone’s direct intermediary on Podesta’s emails. Still what exactly Credico did or didn’t tell Stone remains a loose end. It’s clear from the quoted text above that Credico claimed to have inside information. What was he referring to regarding ‘Big news Wednesday?’

Mueller also needs to be questioned regarding to what extent did Credico himself play a role as Stone’s intermediary?

It goes without saying Congress also needs to ask Mueller why he declined to indict Credico after all-was Corsi’s leak of the draft indictment part of the reason-did that successfully throw sand in the gears?

And how much will Corsi’s own testimony to Mueller figure in to Stone’s trial in November, 2019?t

Marcy Wheeler AKA EmptyWheel has argued that people are being head faked in thinking that Mueller is interviewing Credico to determine if he’s Stone’s intermediary. She asserts his interest in Credico is more about figuring out Stone’s fake cover stories about his communications with Wikileaks.

“I feel about this reporting the same way I feel about the Roger Stone stories generally: that virtually all of the reporting is missing the point of what Mueller is looking at. Indeed, the far more interesting detail in the WaPo report is that Jerome Corsi (who, remember, said that he avoided legal exposure with something related to Stone) has spent weeks chatting with Mueller’s team.

Separately, conservative writer Jerome Corsi was interviewed by investigators over three days last week and appears to be emerging as a key witness in the Mueller investigation into Stone’s activities.

In an appearance on his live-streamed Internet show Monday, Corsi told viewers that he has been in near-continuous contact with Mueller’s team in recent weeks.

“It’s been two months, on a really constant basis in the Mueller investigation. It’s been one of the biggest pushes of my life,” said Corsi, who added that he could provide no specifics of his interactions with Mueller.

“As I’ve laid out here, Corsi spoke with Stone on what appears to be a critical day in August 2016, and then posted an attack on John Podesta that preceded, but seemed to anticipate, the release of his stolen emails in October 2016.”

“So Corsi knows (or at least has non-falsifiable information about) the real story, whereas Credico still feels like a failed cover story for Stone.”

“Which is why (as always) I’m more interested in the timeline of all this than what Lugo and Nixon had to say (and I agree with Credico’s attorney that their stories don’t actually refute what Credico has said).”

“It”s pretty clear that Credico is the story Stone is at pains to sell-ie, Credico is his cover story. It’s also clear that Corsi clearly was predicting the Wikileaks email dump would be about Podesta and the texts between Stone and Credico include nothing specific regarding the content of the coming email dump.”

However… These texts clearly show Credico at least acting as if he had inside knowledge. And Stone tweeted Credico’s exact words October 2-the very next day-as we saw in (Chapter A)

“Both Donald Trump’s son and longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone communicated with WikiLeaks in October 2016. As The Atlantic’s Julia Ioffe first disclosed last fall, Donald Trump Jr. wrote to WikiLeaks on October 3, 2016, asking: “What’s behind this Wednesday leak I keep reading about?” The day before, Roger Stone, an informal advisor to Donald Trump, had tweeted, “Wednesday@HillaryClinton is done. #WikiLeaks.” Ten days later, Stone sent WikiLeaks a private Twitter message asking the organization to “reexamine the strategy of attacking” Stone.

It’s also rather startling to learn that about Credico’s relationship to Julian Assange’s lawyer:

Stone said the messages support the story he’s been telling all along. “These text messages prove beyond dispute that Randy Credico was the source who told me of the significance of the material that Julian Assange told CNN he had and would publish in June 2016 and that Credico’s source was indeed a woman attorney who worked for WikiLeaks,” Stone said. “If Randy said anything different to the grand jury, he perjured himself under oath.”

Credico followed up five minutes later: “And by the way your friend did not have a meeting with Julian Assange that’s a complete lie.”

Stone replied: “How would u know, rummy?” according to the texts obtained by NBC News.

According to Stone, the “friend” the men were referring to was blogger Charles Ortel, who Stone mistakenly thought had met with Assange.

Credico responded to that message: “Because I’m best friends with [Assange’s] lawyer and leave it at that and leave it alone.”

The lawyer Credico referred to is Margaret Ratner Kunstler. Kunstler declined requests for comment.

That’s quite a coincidence. Must have taken a lot of planning.

Indeed, while Marcy Wheeler argues Credico’s story has checked out, he has clearly been shown to be a liar on the subject of Margaret Kunstler.


The texts above, showed him saying he was close to a Wikileaks lawyer. But turns out he was more than just close.


  • An activist attorney named Margaret Ratner Kunstler has emerged as a key figure in the investigation into how Trump associate Roger Stone appeared to have insight into WikiLeaks’ plans to release information that would roil the Clinton campaign.
  • Stone has claimed that radio show host Randy Credico passed him information about WikiLeaks that he obtained from Kunstler.
  • Credico has called Stone a liar and denied in at least one interview that he knew any of WikiLeaks’ lawyers. But open source records show that Kunstler has represented both WikiLeaks and Credico, raising questions about Credico’s denials. 

Kunstler has been described as an attorney for WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, as well as for Credico, a New York-based comedian and radio host. Despite those links, Credico has denied in at least one interview that he knew any of WikiLeaks’ American lawyers.

“I don’t know any lawyers in this country that actually represent Assange. I know three of his lawyers. They all live in London. I met them last year when I met Assange for the very first time, face-to-face, which was on Sept. 13, 2017,” Credico told Yahoo’s Michael Isikoff on April 13.

That’s a red herring-what does it matter where they live? 

We saw the texts between Stone and Credio published by NBC, but Stone handed over more of their texts to Daily Caller:

Stone’s story received a significant boost on Nov. 13 after he released text messages that show that Credico tipped him off to WikiLeaks’ plans.

“Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary,” Credico wrote to Stone on Aug. 27, 2016.

Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary. 

That’s pretty stark. I mean the only way he’s not deeply enmeshed is if Credico was just making stuff up-as Stone himself is now forced to argue-as Rob Goldstone is now arguing regarding his email to Donald Jr about ‘the Russian government’s support for your father’s campaign.’

UPDATE: Again it’s certainly clear at this point that Corsi was the source on Podesta-though Stone was also talking to Credico in the hopes that he had insight. The Daily Caller piece was by Stone’s allies in an attempt to corroborate his false story. But Credico’s role still remains enigmatic.

Jerome Corsi argues his prediction that Podesta would be the subject of the October email dump by Wikileaks was ‘just a lucky guess.’ (Chapter D).

The text messages also show that Credico expressed concern about being identified as Stone’s link to WikiLeaks.

“You are not going to drag my name into this are you,” he wrote on Sept. 29, 2016.

LOL. First sign of trouble, Stone dragged his name into it. No honor among Russia collusion co-conspirators.

Credico also referred to Kunstler in the text messages, which Stone provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Kunstler wife is his lawyer or at least one of them,” Credico told Stone in an Aug. 19, 2016 text message after revealing that he would host Assange on his radio show the following week.

Credico appeared to refer to Kunstler again in a text message sent to Stone on Oct. 3, 2016, just days before WikiLeaks released Podesta’s emails.

“I’m best friends with [Assange’s] lawyer and leave it at that and leave it alone,” he wrote.

Credico has long known Kunstler, who was married to the late William Kunstler, an activist lawyer known for representing the Black Panthers and terrorist group the Weather Underground.

The Villager, a newspaper based in New York City, reported on Aug. 14 that Credico referred questions about his grand jury appearance to Kunstler.

“Margaret’s talking for me now,” Credico told the paper.

Martin Stolar, Credico’s main attorney, told The Villager that he, Kunstler and other attorneys were working together as Credico’s legal team.

“I am still his lawyer,” Stolar said, while adding that, “Margaret’s a longtime friend of Randy’s, and also one of his attorneys.”

“Margaret can be his spokesperson. I’m his lawyer. As far as the government is concerned, I’m his lawyer. They sent me the subpoena.”

Turns out that Wikileaks lawyer was representing Credico.

According to The Villager, Credico lived in Kunstler’s Greenwich Village townhouse “off and on for years.” He was executive director of the William Moses Kunstler Fund for Racial Justice, the social justice organization named in honor of the late activist lawyer.

“Credico’s denials about knowing any American WikiLeaks lawyers are undercut by a smattering of open source documents about Margaret Kunstler.”

Her biography at Hrbek Law states that she has “advised Anonymous, Wiki Leaks and Bradley Manning supporters in connection with grand jury subpoenas, encounters with the FBI, and overcoming fundraising hurdles in the face of corporate obstruction and governmental suppression.”

On May 17, 2017, Kunstler and three other attorneys issued an open letter criticizing director Laura Poitras over a film she was set to release about WikiLeaks.

“We are lawyers for WikiLeaks,” the letter begins.

“WikiLeaks itself has released documents referring to Kunstler as an attorney for the group and Julian Assange.”

“Any bonafide offers of assistance to Mr. Assange would have been made in person with Mr. Assange’s lawyers in the United States: Mr. Barry Pollak in Washington DC or Mrs. Margaret Ratner Kunstler in New York,” reads a Sept. 20, 2016 email posted by WikiLeaks.

So on the subject of Kunstler, Credico has not been at all straight. And this is a guy who boasted of giving Michael Isikoff fake emails for his book on Russia who wrote with David Corn.

Credico’s inconsistent statements should perhaps not be a surprise, as he admitted in one interview earlier this year to providing “disinformation” and “phony emails” to Isikoff, the same reporter who interviewed him about Stone.

“I gave them a lot of disinformation, so when his book comes out, he’s going to like put stuff in there that’s all lies,” Credico said in an interview with journalist H.A. Goodman that aired Feb. 13.

HA Goodman the Bernie or Bust genius who argued that if Trump wins and gets to appoint a couple SJC judges that’s worth it for making sure  that woman is denied the Presidency.

UPDATE: HA is now literally saying Bernie supporters should vote for Trump in 2020. 


“I put together phony emails, gave it to them. I did all this stuff, and he’s going to put it in his book. I can’t wait.”

Credico claimed that he texted Isikoff to say, “I’m glad that I bamboozled you.”

“I’m just making things up for the guy, and he’s just writing it down.”

Sounds like an honest above board type of a guy to me.

It’s also pretty interesting to remember that Credico set up a Bernie Sanders supporters for Trump group in May, 2016. 

Back to NBC News: Credico also pushed for Stone to get Trump to agree to give Assange Asylum.

Later that day, Credico texted Stone asking, “Why can’t you get Trump to come out and say that he would give Julian Assange Asylum[?]” according to the texts obtained by NBC News.

So while as Ms. Wheeler says, it’s clear that Corsi not Credico knew about Podesta and clearly Stone wants to talk about Credico not Corsi, it’s clear Credico was at least purportedly giving Stone information about the timing and that Credico did have a clear pipeline into Wikileaks-Margaret Kunstler.

It sure looks like both were giving Stone information. While Corsi is very important, it’s clear that Credico’s public statements at least have been shown to be unreliable-then there’s him boasting of sending fake emails to Iskikoff.

Again, so much of the defense for Credico, like Stone, Corsi-Rob Goldstone for that matter-and Trump himself  Russia if you’re listening is that they are unreliable flakes who just made some stuff up that then all coincidently actually happened.

It’s sort of the George Constanza defense. The episode where George insulted his boss up and down at a meeting and then quitting-then over the weekend realizing he’d made a big mistake. Jerry Seinfeld argued he should just go in Monday like nothing ever happened ‘People don’t take you seriously! Just go in like nothing happened.’

That’s what all the Trump co-conspirators are reduced to.

Spoiler alert: Constanza’s play didn’t work, His boss immediately said-in front of everyone-get out. 

It’s hard to say it’s going to work out better for the Trump co-conspirators.

For yet another example, it now emerges that Stone was boasting of being in regular contact with Trump and the campaign while touting his Wikileaks connections. 

So if Stone was getting all this information from Corsi-and quite possibly also Credico-then his own words show  coordination did  happen-he said he was speaking to Trump and the campaign. Indeed, in (Chapter E) we saw emails he was sending Steve Bannon about the coming Wikileaks email dump.

UPDATE: As noted in Chapter A the idea that Stone already knew about the Podesta emails in April contradicts what seems like a clear timeline based on Corsi’s draft indictment, Stone’s indictment, and the Mueller Report where Stone learned of the Podesta emails from Corsi on August 2, 2016.

Then there’s Stone’s claim as stated by Sam Nunberg and another Stone friend-Nunberg probably isn’t his friend anymore-that Stone claimed to have this information directly from Assange himself-again, the picture that has developed is that he got the information about Podesta from Corsi. To be sure there’s also the fact that we now know based on Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony-the same testimony he gave Mueller-that Stone also gave Trump prior information about the coming DNC leaks on about July 18-19.

So yet another question for Mueller is where did Stone get that information from? Corsi?

In theory the Washington Post report doesn’t necessarily contradict the timeline-it’s possible that Stone was already aware that they had Podesta’s emails but didn’t know when it would be used until Corsi in August.

As Rachel Maddow puts it watch this space. 


UPDATE: After reading this Washington Monthly article about the background between Randy Credico and Roger Stone, I’m ready to make a stronger statement about Credico: he’s clearly another of what Marcy Wheeler calls a ‘ratfucker.’

“This bit is not about Julian Assange or the hacking of the DNC and John Podesta. It’s about how Stone met Trump and how Credico met Stone. And it’s about who influenced these characters and taught them the dark arts of political ratfucking. It’s also about how Credico conned Bernie Sanders supporters in one of the most brazen acts of fraud I’ve ever encountered in presidential politics. Citations are footnoted at the bottom. Enjoy.]”

Clearly my sense that while Corsi is central on the issue of Wikileaks, Credico is far from some innocent victim being sandbagged by Stone and that Credico at least in his public statements has not been remotely candid. Again, this is a guy who brags about giving Michael Isikoff fake emails-and, considering how central hacked and in some cases doctored and fake emails are to Russiagate-Stone and Wikileaks-this is another pretty interesting ‘coincidence.’

UPDATE 2.0: Mueller has called in Credico to answer more questions post Thanksgiving. 

UPDATE 3.0: So even though Corsi was clearly Stone’s direct source on Podesta there remains the question of what if any information Credico did give Stone-clearly despite what he had learned from Corsi Stone believed Credico had information of value to give him.

Again more questions for Mueller in a very long list. For a long-but certainly not exhaustive list of what the Dems need to ask him-see Chapter A. 




October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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