

She is turning into a one woman wrecking crew. Or a one woman news cycle. 

“People are terrified,” one former Trump aide said of the tapes. “Absolutely terrified.”

Good, turnabout is fair play remembering the relish the Trump #TeamTreason had with Wikileaks. And indeed, Omarosa says that she was told to bring up the emails every chance she got towards the end of 2016. 

TUR: You were instructed, according to your book, to bring up the emails at every point you could at the end of the 2016 campaign.

MANIGAULT-NEWMAN: Yes, that’s correct.

TUR: Hillary Clinton’s emails.

MANIGAULT-NEWMAN: Yes, that was our talker.

Clearly the the Trump campaign sought to weaponize and optimize the poliitcal damage from Wikileaks’ daily dump of stolen email-turnabout is fair play.

Politico discusses the similarities between the Wikileaks dump and Omarosa.

“Like the WikiLeaks dump — which severely damaged the Clinton campaign by taking it off message, but never produced a smoking gun — Manigault Newman’s tapes, according to someone who has listened to them, are juicy to listen to but ultimately don’t contain any bombshell about the president or his family.”

But it seems to me Omarosa already has some smoking guns. After Katrina Pierson categorically denied on her Fox interview on Monday night there being any truth to Omarosa’s assertion that Pierson had admitted during the 2016 campaign that there was a tape of Trump using the ‘n word’ the very next morning Omarosa released a tape showing Pierson saying he was just embarrassed.

Back to Vox:

“The question of whether Trump’s associates coordinated with Russia or WikiLeaks over the release of hacked Democratic emails in 2016 looms large over the Mueller investigation. If such a thing happened, it could mean they worked with foreign nationals to use stolen material to interfere with the campaign.”


“There have been some indications that Trump’s team had at least some inkling of what was coming. For instance, campaign aide George Papadopoulos admitted that he was told the Russians had “thousands of emails” related to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump Jr. eagerly agreed to take a meeting with a Russian delegation in hopes of getting incriminating information on Clinton (though this information was not said to be emails specifically).”

“But it’s never been proven that any further or more detailed coordination or conspiracy came about. Specifically, it’s never been definitively shown that the Trump team was in the loop on or involved in the two biggest email dumps to WikiLeaks, of the DNC’s emails and John Podesta’s emails.”

UPDATE: The MSM has, of course, totally botched this story and totally botched the Mueller Report. After being totally rolled by Barr’s fake exoneration letter, Margaret Sullivan urged them on the morning of Mueller’s July testimony that they were getting a second chance with a chance at redeeming themselves of course they botched Mueller’s testimony as badly as they botched the Barr letter and subsequently released Mueller Report.

The MR removes any doubt-not that if you had followed things closely as some of us have there was any real doubt prior to it-that of course the Trump campaign coordinated-as well as colluded and, yes, conspired with the Russian government’s interference in the 2016 election. Now according to Mueller collusion and coordination aren’t crimes and while he did document a good amount of evidence of conspiracy it was not in his-very charitably conservative opinion-rise to the level of conspiracy. Still what he did say to Schiff’s Committee that day was damning indeed-problematic is an understatement-see Chapter A for more.


But we do have Russia if you’re listening. We do have Roger Stone’s talk of Podesta’s time in the barrel in in early August 2016.

Then as we saw in chapter- Cambridge Analytica somehow got a hold of the emails a month before Wikileaks released them.

Find right chapter later Mike.

And again, Omarosa is a one woman news cycle, the news comes so rapidly who can even keep up? For she also said if Mueller calls her again she will cooperate in any way and give him any tapes he needs. This, of course, implies that he spoke to her once already and when finally someone pressed her on this-Katy Tur-she stated that he’d already interviewed her. And it turns out that she does refer to this rather obliquely in her book.

“In her book, Manigault-Newman writes of the Mueller investigation, and says that “in early 2018,” she “received a call from the FBI.” She adds, “We’ll see how that goes,” without explaining anything more.


The Vox piece points out she didn’t make her assertion that Trump knew about the emails in the book. True-in the book she didn’t claim she’d heard the ‘N word’ tape either. The reason for that, she states, is that she only actually got to hear the tape after publishing the book. According to her, the  people with the tape plan to leak the tape prior to the election-October Surprise. One person who has been relentless in asserting that the tape exists is Tom Arnold.


Perhaps she didn’t want to reveal all her best information in the book-only some of it. It seems that her plan is to keep leaking on a rolling basis.

UPDATE 2.0: As Maggie Haberman just pointed out, it seems she is running a two track operation-the book and then releasing the supporting evidence for the book. The Katrina Pierson tape wasn’t in the book either. It seems that Omarosa wants to perpetuate a continuous one woman news cycle rather than just giving up all her best material in one book-which no matter how many bombshells it contains becomes an event limited by time.

UPDATE: As noted in Chapter B since her early prolific pace of leaked tapes, Omarosa has fallen off since-she hasn’t released anything since at latest September, 2018. Why that is isn’t clear-did she exaggerate how much she had, did the lawyers of #TeamTreasonTrump muzzle her? But assuming-ask a stupid question!-she wants more publicity she could tell us what she told Mueller-with the investigation being over-what questions did he ask her, what particular areas seemed to interest him?


Trump called her ‘vicious and not very smart’ and that she’s always losing. Well this time, she looks pretty smart. She read her situation perfectly-she understood that she wasn’t considered very credible and so she’d only be believed if she had corroborating evidence-tapes. Tapes are nothing to sneeze at-without the tapes, Nixon would have gotten away with it.

Indeed, she looks very smart as it seems she had a plan right from the beginning-note that the tape of her and Katy Pierson was during the 2016 campaign. So she came in with a vision and it’s being realized. Did you ever see a dream walking? Well I did.

Today you look at the headlines and the hits keep coming.

Omarosa says that Betsey DeVos says black college students lack the capacity to understand her agenda. 

Do you have any doubt this is something that DeVos would say-and that there is a tape? Or that Trump does call her Ditzy DeVos?

Or that DeVos does in fact want to replace public schools with for profit schools?

“Meanwhile, Omarosa says she has tapes on Jared and Ivanka and who can doubt her now? Not me anyway. It’s a totally believable claim as we know that Omarosa socialized with them and they were very friendly. If she was able to tape John Kelly firing her in the Situation Room she surely had little trouble taping Ivanka and Jared.”

The claim that there are no bombshells is just not true. The ‘N word; tape now seems very close to being confirmed. At a minimum we know that Katrina Pierson believed there was a tape during the campaign.

UPDATE: However, the N word tape never has surfaced-Chapter C for more. Again this could mean it doesn’t exist-or that Mark Burnett was determined to help his buddy Donald Trump by making sure it never saw the light of day. But on the other hand it’s arguable that the obsession with the N word tape has been overdone-after all, do we really need it to prove Trump’s a racist? Like Beto O’Rourke says what the f-?

And what she said about the emails is a potentially huge bombshell if she can corroborate it. Logically it’s very plausible that Trump did know. Roger Stone knew it was Podesta two months in advance. His claim that he was only talking about Podesta’s brother’s connections to Manafort and Stone’s own sleazy business dealings is not very plausible. If that were true he’d somehow have gotten lucky in guessing the correct target-Podesta- based on totally faulty reasoning and assumptions-that Podesta’s brother was who was going to put him in the barrel.

As noted above, Cambridge Analytica also received the emails one month in advance. It stands to reason that if Stone and CA knew, Trump would know. But depending on what she has, Omarosa could provide color. As John Heilemann argues, it’s unlikely that Omarosa has direct evidence Trump knew-she just didn’t run in the right circles in the campaign or WH to know that. But she may well have some very provocative and important hearsay evidence-which can also be very powerful.

FN: If she does she hasn’t presented it yet. It’s now post Richard Gates’ Michael Cohen’s interviews with Mueller and testimony before Congress that Trump certainly new-according to what Gates told Mueller, Trump already knew about coming leaks in late July-Chapter D for more.

Seth Abramson, who has experience in criminal law, has made the point that people wrongly think that only direct evidence matters. If Omarosa has evidence of this, it’s likely her on tape with someone who admits that Trump knew about the emails-just like she has Katrina Pierson on tape admitting Trump used the ‘N word.’

The $64 million dollar question is what did she speak to Mueller about early this year? Did she tell him about this alleged evidence? Did she tell him about the tapes? How much of what she’s saying here is news to him?

Beyond this, she has offered some other fruitful lines of inquiry for him on the subject of both NDAs and putting people who leave Trump-including those who are of interest to Mueller-on the 2020 campaign. According to her Sean Spicer is paid to say all these very nice things about Trump.

NDAs in this WH are standard everyone signed one’ 

While the Trump campaign says it’s going to sue her, these NDAs are not enforceable-Don McGahn actually was able to get staffers to sign by arguing they’re not enforceable. What Trump doesn’t get is that the WH is not his house but the people’s house. Yes, in some private sector jobs you may have to sign a NDA but not public sector employees.

The last thing we want is for legitimate whistleblowing to get muzzled for political reasons. As for all these campaign jobs Trump is offering they may well prove to be cases of witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

I don’t know about you but I intend to get the popcorn ready for the next bombshell revelations of Omarosa’s one woman news cycle. Pretty fitting it’s her of all people who may bring the illegitimate ‘President’ down.

UPDATE: Still waiting-what happened? Omarosa are you listening?