Congress Already Has Evidence Trump Lied Under Oath to Robert Mueller












Democrats Are Setting Themselves Up to Fail on Mueller Hearings








Notably, more than a dozen lawmakers who already favor an impeachment inquiry voted to sideline Green’s articles of impeachment. Several argued that Green’s focus on Trump’s racism excluded other evidence of potentially impeachable offenses like obstruction of justice.

“We’re not going to take someone and say, ‘Well let’s charge him with manslaughter when he committed mass murder,’’” said Rep. Val Demings of Florida.

See I look at it this way: if someone commmitted mass murder I’d rather get him for manslaughter than nothing-the choice wasn’t between charging him with manslaughter and mass murder but charging him with manslaughter and charging him with nothing. In taht sense I disagree with those Like Congresswoman Demings who voted for nothing.

Remember this wasn’t a vote to impeach but simply a vote not to table it. The best choice no doubt was Nadler’s preference-to send it to the Judiciary-effectively opening an inquiry.









For once I have to disagree with Greg Sargent:

Some of the positions House moderates adopt are understandable. I personally favor an impeachment inquiry, but recognize that moderates might have legitimate political hesitations, and also recognize that the arguments against launching one are not wildly absurd. On immigration, the Senate border supplemental that moderates ultimately supported was far worse than the House version in terms of protections for migrants, but the Senate version was far better than nothing, and backing it was not unreasonable.

The reasons for opposing an inquiry are wildly absurd IMO. Certainly they are morally and ethically. If Trump isn’t impeachable who is? Is it time to simply rip this part of the constitution out? I had a debate with Bill Scher who said just because Trump isn’t impeached doesn’t mean a future President can’t be. Really? Who a Democrat for using an email server, Whitewater, or chewing gum?

Sorry I don’t agree that the arguments of Pelosi and Friends deserve such respect-and by treating them respectfully they have all the cover they need-how can you twist their arm if their arguments are respectable?

Morally their arguments are perverse-that you will reward the GOP for being so partisan-ok we know you’ll never convict so we won’t impeach. That is morally obscene-obviously it incentivizes the GOP’s sociopathic partisanship.

Sargent probably means their political arguments are respectable-as those are the only arguments they really make. Of course, impeachment shouldn’t be a matter of political calculus. But even the calculus is dubious.









































This brings me some hope for Steyer










As much as I’ve had my hair on fire over what the Speaker is up to this one looks pretty good for her in retrospect. Will that apply more generally? Time will tell

































































Jimmy Carter gets it















I think Ms. Perez is probably right on tactics-there was a desire for it to be a  Kumbaya debate which it largely was.

that might make Tom Perez and Nancy Pelosi happy but was it the best choice for struggling 2nd tier candidates?




October 28, 2016: a Day That Will Live in Infamy Copyright © by . All Rights Reserved.

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