

That is to say, the prosecution rests on Trump’s Republican party. The only thing left to do is vote them out in 11 days and replace them with an #AccountabilityCongress-aka the Democrats, This is something recognized not just by Dem and liberal voters but by many recovering GOPers who hate Trump and what he represents. If there is ever to be a check on this dangerous, ignorant, racist, authoritarian, illegitimate, and out of control ‘President’ we need a Democratic Congress.

Indeed, this is what’s trending on Twitter right now:


It’s hard even now, perhaps it will sink in in the next few weeks, months, or maybe even years just how terrible a day yesterday was. Like FDR said, Pearl Harbor was A day that will live infamy, in Pearl Harbor 2403 people died including 68 civilians. Surely 9/11 is another such day, on 9/11 3000 of our fellow citizens were executed.

Yesterday didn’t have the scale and no one thankfully was killed-though of the investigators interviewed yesterday don’t seem to think that was the end of it. The would be assassin-perhaps angry that he-it’s most likely a he-failed and will try again.

But it was the most audacious and outrageous attempt at political assassination in our history. This individual or individuals attempted to take out two former U.S. Presidents, the first female Presidential nominee of a major party-who should be President today-like Reverend Jackson says Hillary Clinton wasn’t upset, she was setup

Obama’s former Attorney General and CIA Director-Maxine Waters, one of the most powerful African American women in the country who sits on the the House Financial Services Committee-which if we do vote blue and end this nightmare-could be very important in investigating ‘President Trump-Debbie Wasserman-Schultz the former DNC Chairwoman-who was forced to stepdown the first day the Democratic convention in 2016 thanks to Russian active measures, and George Soros a Democratic donor-who the GOP and the Russians have been targeting in a relentless and vile smear campaign that leans heavily on blatantly anti Semitic tropes regarding Jewish financiers, etc.

FN: This was written on October 25, 2018 and here in late August 2019  Trump continues to try to tell us that the Democrats are the anti Semites based on AOC and Ihan Omar’s criticism of the state of Israel-a very dangerous bait and switch where criticism of a political state is equated with anti Semitism. This week Trump took it to the next level outrageously asserting that  Jewish people who vote for the Democrats are engaging in ‘great disloyalty.’

Of course, few Jewish Americans support Trump-79% voted Democrat in 2018-and comments like this are a big part of why. Indeed, anti Semitic hate crimes are up-all hate crimes are up but Jews are the top victim of hate crimes-since Trump became ‘President.’

End FN

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had other attempted-and successful-political assassinations in our history-Abraham Lincoln, of course. In the 1960s we had the assassination of JFK, RFK, and MLK. But this was all on one day and if it had been successful it’s scope would have been even greater. It was an extremely ambitious attempt and God help us if they had been successful.

UPDATE: A new report states former Vice President Biden was also targeted. 

It’s clear what all these targets have in common. First of all, they are all prominent Democrats-or in Brennan’s case worked for President Obama.

Beyond that they have all be tough critics of Trump and/or been viciously targeted by Trump on Twitter, at his rallies, etc.

Debbie-Wasserman Schultz seems have been something of a diversion-the would be assassin(s) put her as the return address and the explosives sent to Eric Holder got sent back to the return address-DWS.

The Congresswoman, however was, as noted above, forced out as Chairwoman the morning of the start of the Dem convention in 2016 and has served as a kind of bugaboo for Trumpsters-and a number of Bernie Bros besides. Certainly the same vile #LockHerUp energy directed at Hillary, Nancy Pelosi-Trump recently even led them against Dr. Christine Ford, a sexual assault survivor-has been very much directed at DWS.

Again, she may have served as something of a diversion here but she was recently targeted along with Pelosi at a Florida event by the ProudBoys and the Florida GOP.  (As noted in Chapter X)

The PB were also behind the Charlottesville White supremacist rally that left a woman dead.

Maxine Waters has been a very vocal critic of Trump talking of his impeachment since early 2017. Assuming a Dem Congress she will no doubt have a lot to investigate.

FN: Hopefully the Congresswoman will eventually get what she has waited for so long and what we must have if we as a country will ever not just eject Trump from the Oval Office but expunge him-impeachment.

I have no idea how anyone can attempt to minimize the scope of what was attempted yesterday in any way.

As for Soros he has been the target of some very vicious smears-Trump himself has been fomenting without any evidence that he’s behind the caravans-of actually desperate women and children that Trump and the GOP have demonized for political gain-with the enthusiastic amplification by the MSM.

Soros made a very strong statement yesterday. Here is an important read by his son, Alexander Soros. 

As the younger Soros notes, his dad has always been the target of bigoted attacks by political opponents-he grew up under the shadow of the Nazis in Hungary, and later was a strong dissident of the Soviet regime. But something changed in 2016.

“But with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, things got worse. White supremacists and anti-Semites like David Duke endorsed his campaign. Mr. Trump’s final TV ad famously featured my father; Janet Yellen, chairwoman of the Federal Reserve; and Lloyd Blankfein, chairman of Goldman Sachs — all of them Jewish — amid dog-whistle language about “special interests” and “global special interests.” A genie was let out of the bottle, which may take generations to put back in, and it wasn’t confined to the United States.”

“In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán launched an anti-Semitic poster campaign falsely accusing my father of wanting to flood Hungary with migrants. This included plastering my father’s face onto the floor of trams in Budapest so that people would walk on it, all to serve Mr. Orbán’s political agenda.”

“Now we have attempted bomb attacks. While the responsibility lies with the individual or individuals who sent these lethal devices to my family home and Mr. Obama’s and Ms. Clinton’s offices, I cannot see it divorced from the new normal of political demonization that plagues us today.”

Attacks and vicious lies about Soros have been building to a crescendo among the Russian trolls on Twitter who have greatly amplified the lies and demonization.

The big question now is who was behind it and can s/he-most likely he-be stopped before he tries again? As to the motivation, you knew it would happen, but this soon? The story had barely broken to the public when already Trump’s apologists were out fomenting vile slanders that it was a ‘false flag’-just like they said about Sandy Hook, Parkland, etc. The consensus seemed to be that the Democrats tried to assassinate themselves as a way to divert from the fact that they are an angry, deranged mob.

Talk about gaslighting and victim blaming.

Next they will be demanding Ken Starr investigate Hillary to try to ascertain if she tried to assassinate herself.

For some reason MSNBC”s  Stephanie Ruhle seemed anxious to insist that this could have been a false flag operation. Ok, she didn’t outrageously blame the Democrats but she did push strongly on the idea that it could have been a head fake-directed at prominent Democrats and Trump critics as a way of diverting from the true motive.

That’s certainly logically possible. Though it’s not clear if at this stage of the game it’s hardly the most logically probable. Indeed, Jim Kavanaugh a former ATF supervisor offered a helpful corrective to Ruhle’s conjecture: while it could be a head fake you never want to throw away the obvious. 

And what is most obvious here is that the would be assassin(s) attempted to snuff out all the top people on Trump’s enemies list.

It could be a head fake but that doesn’t mean you rule it out at the outset.

Regarding all the false flag-or even more legitimate head fake-theories, Kavanaugh pointed out that don’t assume because the explosives didn’t detonate that the attempted  assassin/s) didn’t want it to.

It’s true that you don’t need motive to catch a domestic terrorist, it certainly helps if you have one and this one couldn’t be more obvious-as a starting point. Indeed, what we can say categorically is that either this person wanted to go after Trump’s Democratic enemies list because he wanted to hurt/kill them or he went after Trump’s Democratic enemies list because he wanted us to think this was so.

UPDATE: Soon all doubt was removed regarding the motivation of Cesar Sayoc aka the #MAGABomber  who literally drove a MAGA van full of pro Trump pictures with a picture of Hillary Clinton with a target around her head.


Sayoc just received 20 years in prison. 

At his trial he argued that his troubled mind had been under the influence of Trump

Sayoc’s defense lawyer Ian Marcus Amelkin pushed for a 10-year sentence, saying he was using large quantities of steroids when he became obsessive in his support for Trump, consuming conspiracy theories from Fox News and elsewhere that fed his rising paranoia.

“It is impossible to separate the political climate and his mental illness when it comes to the slow boil,” Marcus said.

Marcus said that Trump’s rhetoric in office contributed to Sayoc’s beliefs, noting that the prosecution — working for Trump’s Department of Justice — failed to make mention of the president in its prosecuting documents.

Clearly Trump was a significant cause-he lit the match.

End of UPDATE.

As for Trump’s response it was, of course, weak. Sarah Huckabee Sanders does her usual whining about him not getting credit for his heartfelt words.

Sure, but his statement was pretty brief and cursory. And he didn’t specifically mention that the explosive-meant for Brennan-was sent to CNN in NYC. This was no doubt what got to Zucker.

And he said nothing about the Dem targets specifically. Then at his rally last night he basically was blaming everyone except himself. Indeed, it sort of sounded as if those most responsible for it were the victims themselves-CNN and his political rivals and opponents.

“Sanders reference was to comments made by Trump on Wednesday afternoon at the White House. In his remarks at that time he did call for unity and pledged a full investigation, but did not mention by name those who had received or been mailed the bombs.”

“Sanders also did not mention Trump’s remarks made at his campaign rally in Wisconsin. He called for “peace and harmony,” but then immediately suggested the media and his critics were to blame for the hostile political climate.”

At that rally, his supporters engaged in: lock her up chants.


The few Republicans who did speak to the press last night all song from Trump’s playbook: we all need to take it down a notch and stop with this destructive politics but the minute the name so-called ‘President Trump’ came up it was like ‘No, not him. You all exaggerate and he does get some very unfair criticism.’

So basically everyone is to blame but especially the media and his critics. These GOP arch Trump loyalists will beat their breasts over protesters ruining Mitch McConnell’s dinner, but they can’t bring themselves to apportion any blame to Trump. Everyone is to blame but Trump, especially the victims of his hateful rhetoric.

Like Maya Angelou said when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.

Trump and his GOP co-conspirators have shown us who they are. Let the ‘Lock her up’ chants of his Deplorable supporters be the last word: the prosecution rests, they stand condemned.


UPDATE 2.0. Just one week later 11 were gunned down at a Jewish Synagogue in Pittsburgh. While Trump’s GOP co-conspirators tried to sell the narrative that the Robert Bowers, the gunman was ‘anti Trump’ but this is clearly a canard: his criticism of Trump was that he didn’t go far enough in stopping the fake caravan.

In other words, this was in response to Trump’s lies about the caravans-Bowers believed the Jews were behind it-and his quarrel was he wanted Trump to do more.

Of course, just recently we had the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings which all followed a dismally familiar pattern-the GOP offers up thoughts and prayers, Trump hems and haws that maybe we should do something and he’s not scared of the NRA even if his party is and the GOP itself suggests it could be open to something but in the end nothing happens.

The El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius, was motivated by Trump’s hate speech just like Cesar Sayoc and Robert Bowers. Crusius wrote a hate filled manifesto about a ‘Hispanic invasion.’

So as usual no gun control-which will only get done with a Democratic  Senate that ends the filibuster-and the GOP continues to defend Trump no matter how many of these are done in his name.

As noted above American Jews reject Trump in record numbers and the increase in hate crimes against Jews and others-Jews are the biggest target-is probably a factor. At this point in our history domestic white supremacy hate groups are the biggest terrorist threat but very little has been done by it at the FBI and DHS. Why? As usual the GOP has been very successful at working the refs and political intimidation.

For years there have been attempts to focus resources towards the domestic hate groups and every time the resulting GOP hue and cry has succeeded in intimidating officials off of it going back to Janet Reno.

Every Administration starting with Clinton caved to pressure. Again, everything the GOP accuses others of is projection. Remember the faux outrage over ‘Why won’t you say Islamic terrorism?’

But the GOP was able to get every Administration going back to Clinton to cave to pressure over moral panic over use of the phrase ‘Right wing extremism.’

But wether or not there’s ever going to be accountability for Trump remains to be seen.

Nancy Pelosi insists they are going to hold Trump accountable and not let ‘it happen.’

At this date in late August, 2019 it remains very much open to question wether the Democrats aren’t in fact ‘letting it happen’ before our eyes-Richard Neal has now apparently dithered so long that we won’t see Trump’ s tax returns before 2020-he also dithered on NY’s offer of state returns-now a judge has stayed the offer until Trump’s lawsuit is worked out.

But give Trump credit-he moved to stop NY from releasing them-it was just 15 days before he filed. Neal waited four months to even ask for them and then another three months to go to court.

He and Pelosi ought to write an art book-‘The Art of Running out the Clock.’

Again, I don’t agree that simply beating Trump in 2020 is sufficient-he must be impeached.

But putting that crucial point aside, if the Dems do win in 2020-supposed they even win the Senate which is considered a long shot-they still won’t get gun control-or immigration-reform done if they don’t end the filibuster. But that’s another example of what they shrink from-utilizing their power by coloring outside the lines. If there’s no way to hold Trump accountable and move the country forward-end the government dysfunction-without staying between the lines the old guard Democrats at least would perhaps rather not do it.