

18931115 See an image of this letter, http://dx.doi.org/10.17613/7wk2-k357


Buenos Aires,    15th Nov.   1893.


My dear Mother,

My last letter was from Montevideo, 9th inst. I came back y’day. to B. Aires & recvd. your letter of 17th Oct. & the photos which I like very much indeed. I think they are all good. I shall get them framed & covered with glass in portable fashion. Many thanks to Julie for sending his too.

So the Pater got quarantine for 48 hours. I hope he had someone to play piquet with, or was he reduced to “patience”? Give my love to Aunt Martha. Is she so very deaf now that she requires an ear-trumpet?[1]

I saw Bertie at Montevideo, on his way home, not altogether pleased at being still on the old “Tagus” instead of on one of the new ships, but still satisfied with the life & with his independence.[2] Your last letter came by the “Nile”: – her first voyage.[3] She is considerably bigger than any of the other steamers of the Roy. Mail Co. When she has completed her four days quarantine I shall go on board. I know all the officers, & “chummily” the 1st, Mr Tyndale.[4] There is some talk about a ball to be given on board, – by the Agents I suppose. It is just possible I may go up to Bahia by the “Nile”, to-morrow week.

Since the warm weather began I rise regularly between six & half past. It is not yet 7 a.m. How’s that for energy?

Julian is back from the Camp & considerably better. A German doctor here, whom he consulted, said his neuralgia is nothing but the contraction of a little nerve in the forehead, which he proposed to cut out – an operation, if it can be dignified with the name, which he says he performs frequently, & with success. But I don’t think Julian will allow any cutting to be done without consultation at home. The doctor thinks it a very simple matter. Meanwhile he has given him some ointment which has done him good.

I have written this letter with copying-ink, not because it is even more uninteresting than usual, but because two steamers leave to-day, the “Galicia”, Pacific S.S., & the Italian “Perseo”,[5] & I do not know which is quicker so I send a copy by each, which is as good as two letters. I wrote to Pater last mail & to Jim by this.

Love to all


  1. Martha McCaldin: Jane’s unmarried maternal aunt, now 85 (born 1808).
  2. Herbert Weinberg (see Index to People). He is engineer on the “Tagus” – built in 1871 (so 22 years old at the time, only removed from fleet in 1897).
  3. S.S. Nile. Royal Mail vessel. Built by J&G Tomson Ltd, 1893 in Glasgow.
  4. Most likely Andrew Tyndall, engineer, (b ~1853) on passenger list sailing on the S.S. Nile from Buenos Aires to Southampton, arriving 17th December 1893. (See Index to People).
  5. The "Galicia" operated by the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Built by Robert Napier & Sons, Ltd., 1873 in Glasgow. Decommissioned 1898. The "Perseo" operated by Navigazione Generale Italiana. Built by Robert Napier & Sons, Ltd., 1883 in Glasgow.


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John McCaldin Loewenthal: Letters Home from a Victorian Commercial Traveller, 1889 - 1895 Copyright © 2022 by Michelle Fink, Robert Boyd, Sarah Watkinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.