

18941108  See an image of this letter, https://doi.org/10.17613/r97q-w931

Written on notepaper printed with the letterhead below:





Spanish V Consulate

Address Telegrams:


  Pernambuco  Dundee……………………………189 4   

8th  Nov.               My dear Mother,

As I am writing in the office and have no private letter-paper. I may as well use some of the Dundee stationery of which I have still a remnant left of my old supply. I don’t get very much from the Dundee firm for nothing so it is at least a gratification to have some sheets of paper gratis.

Your two welcome letters of 8th & 15th Oct. came two days ago via Bahia. The pater must have been home a day or two after the latter left, so I expect to hear from him by next mail. I hope Julie is getting along well. I should like to have more news from him. Now that the winter gaieties have commenced with dances at Sinclairs’ and Gottos’, the girls will miss the society young man who has trotted them out since I was put on the shelf.[1]

Last night I dined at the Biltons’ and spent a very pleasant evening.[2] Mr Bilton is the Manager of the London & Brazilian Bank, a most popular man. His house is a nice one to go to, – there is always lots of fun. After dinner at least twenty people came trooping in, all of whom I knew, and we had songs and lively conversation till our train came along at half past ten. And coming down the line we had a long carriage to ourselves and we entertained the other passengers with more music and very vigorous choruses.

I am out dining or visiting almost every evening. I have a very large circle of friends and acquaintances here, and they are all very hospitable. Yesterday the Pacific steamer passed south. I am sorry I did not go on board as I heard afterwards that Mrs Watson and Miss Moores whom I knew very well in Buenos Aires were passengers.

The Tucknisses were all charmed with Mrs Fred.[3] I believe they mean to stay here on their way north,  – I mean Fred and his wife. I have not heard from them at all.

I don’t know very well how I am going to get this posted. This is Sunday, the steamer comes up this afternoon, & the mail closed this morning. Don’t scold me if you have to pay 5d.

Best love,


c/o  Mr Theo Just     Caixa 68       Pernambuco

  1. The Gottos: These would be the Belfast Gottos. See Index to People.
  2. The Biltons. See Index to People.
  3. Most likely the wife of Fred (Frederick) Weinberg, he married Grace Keiller in London on 14th August 1894. She was the sister of John Gibson Keiller, the “Keiller” who often was in Pernambuco with JMcC, and used to lodge with the Tucknisses. It sounds like they have just returned as newly weds.


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John McCaldin Loewenthal: Letters Home from a Victorian Commercial Traveller, 1889 - 1895 Copyright © 2022 by Michelle Fink, Robert Boyd, Sarah Watkinson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.