313. Ask in faith, in Jesus’ dear Name
757. Give me, Lord, Thy Holy Spirit
608. God is love: O soul believe it
291. Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him?
539. He has entered! He has entered!
756. Holy Father, Thou hast spoken
361. In the Advent Light, O Saviour
396. In the Cross of Christ I glory
565. Jesus calls us; o’er the tumult
129. Jesus, Name of matchless splendour!
521. May the grace of Christ our Saviour
504. Onward, Christian, though the region
97. Rise, my soul! Behold ‘tis Jesus
522. Saviour, breathe an evening blessing
563. Saviour, while my heart is tender
664. Something every heart is loving
796. Souls of men, why will ye scatter
605. Take me, O my Father, take me
260. The King of love my Shepherd is
618. Thou host said Thou art the Vine, Lord
514. Through the night of doubt and sorrow