575. All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
426. Christ has for sin atonement made
780. Deep in my heart there’s a gladness
48. I stand amazed in the presence
865. I will praise the Lord my Glory
854. I’ll tell to all that God is love
676. In the Christian’s home in glory
335. In the mighty Name of Jesus
777. It is finished; what a gospel!
701. Jesus, I my cross have taken
766. Joys are flowing like a river
693. Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
330. Never be sad or desponding
544. Not my own, but saved by Jesus
265. Once I thought I walked with Jesus
318. Shall we gather at the river
326. Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
685. Take the name of Jesus with you
742. Take the world, but give me
184. The great Physician now is near
512. There shall be showers of blessing