L.A. Bennett
HOLY, happy separation!
They alone are truly blest
Who from all besides retiring,
And Himself alone desiring
Find in Jesus only rest.
Jesus calls to separation,
And Himself hath led the way;
His own life the explanation,
His own life the illustration―
Who is ready to obey?
Blessed Jesus, make us willing,
Thus without the camp to go
Unto Thee in glad subjection.
Unto Thee in Thy rejection,
Unto Thee from all below!
Separate from all that grieves Thee,
Separate from sinners too;
Yet, like Thee, for sinners caring,
And, like Thee, with sinners bearing,
Asking, “What would Jesus do?”
Unto Thee! Beloved Master,
Nearer, nearer let us be:
Unto Thee in consecration,
Unto Thee in separation,
Ever, only, unto Thee!