Mrs. Booth-Clibborn
OH, spotless Lamb, I come to Thee,
No longer can I from Thee stay;
Break every chain, now set me free,
Take all my sins away.
Take all my sins away,
Take all my sins away;
Oh, spotless Lamb, I come to Thee,
Take all my sins away.
My hungry soul cries out for Thee,
Come, and forever seal my breast;
To Thy dear arms at last I flee,
There only can I rest.
Weary I am of inbred sin,
Oh, wilt Thou not my soul release,
Enter and speak me pure within,
Give me Thy perfect peace?
I plunge beneath Thy precious blood,
My hand in faith takes hold of Thee,
Thy promises just now I claim,
Thou art enough for me.