
W. J. Govan


THE Son of God is come to save:

From highest heaven the Light has shone:

O Life, that overcomes the grave!

O Love, that bids our fears begone.


He bears away our load of guilt,

The Lamb of God, for sinners slain;

For us the precious blood is shed,

That washes white our darkest stain.


The ransom of our souls is paid;

’Tis finished, conflict stern and sore!

The reign of sin and death is stayed,

And Christ is King forevermore.


O Life, that overcomes the grave!

O Love, that bids our fears begone!

The Son of God is come to save;

Through deepest dark the Light has shone.


His grace and love are still the same,

Victorious on the Father’s throne;

And every soul that pleads His name,

He gladly welcomes as His own.


None other hope or help have we,

Behold, we come with all our sin;

O Christ, from darkening skies we flee,

Thy wounded hand will take us in.


O Love, that bids our fears begone!

O Life, that overcomes the grave!

Within our hearts the Light has shone;

The Son of God is come to save.


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